Unknown Power

Unknown Power

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Superheroes vs. Supergross

As I perused the comic book section at the local book store, it suddenly hit me.

Page after page of comic books are filled with sensual situations and over the top scanty super suits. Language flies around like Superman. And darkness pervades.

As I saw this, I realized the complete need there is for true heroes. I know that not all comic books are like this but a lot are. We heroes that are symbols of integrity, courage, truth, and goodness. Heroes that fight evil and don't become the evil. Heroes that don't rely on charisma to make them look good. I love Superman, Captain America, Green Lantern, and a ton of others. But the way they are shown in different interpretations really depends on the writers and sometimes it doesn't go over so well.

Our culture is fascinated with the "anti-hero". And I must admit, it does have it own set of charms, that being said, our next generation is soaking up the "anti-heroes" as if they were real heroes. They look up to them just as much as the Baby Boomers aspired to be like Superman and Captain America.

                  Our society has largely forgotten what heroes are.

All I'm saying is that, our society needs more real heroes. Heroes who are more than just heroes in name. And I couldn't be more excited to realize even more the need for stories like mine . . . like Futurity.

Please be a hero to the people around you, by the way you act, talk, and do things.

Be the Hero next door.

Be an ordinary Legend.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Review of the novel HOUSE by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker

                                              by Ted Dekker and Frank E. Peretti

                                                   A Review by Daniel Kuehn

I had heard about this book a long time ago and stumbled upon it at the book store recently.

The first thing I can say is this: This book is NOT terrifying. I expected it to be but it wasn't.

That being said, I really liked it. I expected it to be a LOT more horrific but instead I got a very well done supernatural suspense thriller.

Is it creepy? YES. Oh Lord, yes.

This book captured that nightmarish feeling you get when you are trying to get out of a dream-scape of some sort and every time you try, you end up worse than you were before.

Interestingly enough, this book broke rules. It did the deadly Changing-Point-Of-Views-In-A-Scene sin. And fascinatingly, it works. IT WORKS. The POV changes shot the story forward. Even though I wasn't "terrified", I was tense.

I couldn't stop reading. I wanted, no, NEEDED to know what happened to Jack and Stephanie.

I was also impressed by the character development. The characters were likable and hate-able at the same time. The authors didn't just puke information at you in the first couple chapters but instead make it a mystery all to itself on why characters are acting the way they do. Why is Jack bitter at Stephanie. Why is Stephanie in denial? Why is Randy so angry and strung out? Why is Leslie trying to be so logical she ends up illogical?
After reading three quarters of the way through, I had to wonder if any good was going to happen. How could anything so dark and terrible end well?
But little by little, the character's actions, choices, fears, and hopes are wove one at a time through the action.

Then I saw it.

Through the fear.

Through the darkness.

Through the House.

A Light.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Book 2 is Coming . . .

Well, I've outlined the entire second book of the Futurity Saga. 

Futurity II is alive and well, folks!

Monday, January 11, 2016

5 STAR review for FUTURITY on AMAZON.com

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Another FIVE STAR review on Amazon by a Kindle Customer for ‪#‎Futurity‬ . . .

I would like to thank Daniel Kuehn and Goodreads First Reads for my free copy of "Futurity" in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed reading this book. I loved the futuristic fantasy with certain people having extra super powers. I liked the good verses evil vibe. This book also has a faith based influence which I absolutely loved. I got so much more out of reading this book than just the fun of reading it. I also got a message for my soul. There is definitely plenty of suspense, humans with super powers, government corruption, automatons, action and adventure. I loved this book. It actually took me by surprise. This is definitely a great read. I highly recommend it.

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Thursday, December 24, 2015


Matt 4:16
"The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light.
And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death
Light has dawned."

Psalm 18:28
"For thou wilt light my candle:
the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness."

Jesus' love to all, and to all a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Futurity 2

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Well, it's been a little while since I've posted something substantial on my blog other than the typical posts about e-books or giveaways or sales.

But I have not been idol. I haven't been able to work on any book projects in a while, well, maybe a dithering here or there but nothing engrossing, but I have been collecting some ideas for a sequel for Futurity.

Yes, I said it. Futurity II may be coming soon.

I've been struggling with writing a #2 for a while. So, I've been researching how to produce good sequels, and what a "good" sequel means. I stumbled upon a article here where it talks about the strengths and weaknesses of sequels and what to watch out for.

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Out of this article, I found three REALLY helpful things.

1. There HAS to be a need or a want for sequel from the fans. If no one wants a sequel and you write one anyway, well, you're writing for the air.

2. You need to love the characters and the story. If you don't and you're just writing something for the jingle than your fans will be sorely disappointed and your legacy as a story-teller WILL be tainted.

3. You need to have a new dynamic story for a sequel. It cannot be a bigger and better version of the first installment or same plot with different clothes. It must be different and stand on it's own, (i.e. Captain America: Winter Soldier).

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So, I'm keeping these in mind as I forge forward brainstorming a sequel.

And here are my answers to each criteria.

1. More people than not have begged for a sequel via reviews or through conversation. Good sign.

2. I do love my characters so much. The reason why I even wrote them was because I truly cared for them. I may get tired of the project off and on during editing and revising but that's to be expected. Check.

3. Do I have a new, dynamic, dramatic, fun plot yet? Sorta. I have at least one villain planned for the sequel (hint: Yellow Eyes in the Dark). I have a goal that the characters have to aim for. I hope to expand on the characters Leon, Jason, Rachel, and the illusive but memorable Keira. I hope to implement romance in this installment but no promises. So I have most of the raw material needed to write a sequel. But I still need to iron out details and need inspiration.

Prayers would be appreciated as I continue this journey into the world of Futurity. It's a big world and I just have to explore it.

As always, your support is so humbling. Thank you.

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Monday, November 30, 2015

Kindle and Nook Editions have Arrived!

Futurity has finally been released in the Kindle format. And the best part is, it's nearly half the price of a hard copy. It's only $7.99!

Plus, the Nook edition is even a little cheaper, it's $7.49!

You Don't Say??!!

Click here to buy an e-book on Kindle!

Or here for the Nook e-book!

Also, if you haven't already entered to win a free copy of Futurity on Goodreads.com, feel free to enter. What's it going to hurt? If you win, you get a free Christmas present for yourself or someone you love. Hurry, the drawing will end in 8 days! Just click here.