Unknown Power

Unknown Power

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I've talked with Left Behind's Jerry B. Jenkins!

   Big news people! The author of Left Behind emailed me this week. As I mentioned in my last post, there has been some miscommunications. So in order to iron everything out, the president of Believer's Press Publishing, a branch of Jerry B. Jenkin's Christian Writer's Guild, (where I was a student for two years) has agreed to over see my contact issues with Mr. Jenkins.
  When Mr. Jenkins emailed, it was a very lengthy email. I don't want to put the email on here but I thought posting the highlight of the email would do.

  " . . .Look forward to seeing your work and working with you."
                                                                                                    ~Jerry B. Jenkins

   So there you are folks. I'll keep you posted for more updates as they come!

   And just for fun I posted the preview for the trailer of the film adaption of Left Behind here. . .


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